OpenVAS error

Well, I like to use OpenVAS, but it is the most frustrating install I ever do, and after troubleshooting it I always think I will remember how to do it next time.  And I might, but I will make a note here just in case I have to look it up again.  

Here is the error after running openvas-check-setup:

Digging around a bit, I found this helpful post, and this helpful tip.  But, the takeaway was I need to modify the file  /etc/redis/redis.conf, adding the lines after port 0
And finally, start the redis server at the command prompt, specifying the new configuration file, with this command: redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf

Running  openvas-check-setup again, we get a whole new error:
 But you can solve the rest of the error by reading the error and the suggested fix.